The Strong Entrepreneur Framework

You've tried it all to get in shape:

  • Keto
  • Fasting
  • Fad diets
  • Counting calories
  • Fat-burning workouts
  • Weight-loss challenges

But none of it works... You either can't lose the weight or it comes right back.

If this has been frustrating for you, I get you. The truth is that it's not your fault. Most of what you've learned about diets and exercising simply is wrong.

Here's the problem: Common “advice” like the above leads you straight into what I call the Deprivation Cycle. If you tried fad diets or weight-loss challenges before, you've likely experienced one or more of the following issues:

The Deprivation Cycle

A circular diagram illustrating the cycle of food insecurity and obesity, showing interconnected sections representing poor diet, stress, weight gain, and limited resources.

  1. Common diets force you to undereat or eat foods you don't like
  2. Undereating leads to a crash
  3. This drains the energy and focus you for your business
  4. You get stressed and feel massive cravings for foods
  5. You give in to the cravings to cope with stress at a "weak moment"
  6. You revert right back into your patterns and gain back the weight you've lost (or even more)

92% of diets fail because of that and the cycle repeats itself. And the more diets that fail, the higher the chance the next won't work either.

As a result, you might end up feeling embarrassed and ashamed, thinking, "What is wrong with myself and my body?"

Here's the truth:

Nothing's wrong with you or your body! The problem is that no diet, workout, or challenge that doesn't consider your demanding workload, incorporates enjoyment, and helps you get rid of stress will help you.

My goal is not just to give you another diet or workout routine. My goal is for you to get in shape sustainably, be able to enjoy food, and never having to stress about "dieting" again.

This is why I created the
Strong Entrepreneur Framework
- it will help you…


Get in shape sustainably and feel confident when you look in the mirror, or fit into your favorite clothes again


Get rid of chronic stress and cravings that sabotage your efforts to eat healthy, without having to rely on willpower


Set the base to be vital for the rest of your life, without having to sacrifice the foods you love - at home or in restaurants


Don't waste any valuable time through outdated and ineffective methods and reach your goals with only 2 hours per week


Reduce your work time and deliver your best to your clients or contractors by getting rid of low energy and brain fog


Do all of this even when you're traveling, without having to worry that you will lose your progress

Get Your Free Breakthrough Call!



“He is not only an expert in what he does, but he also offers amazing support and knows how to give individual solutions. All his strategies were easily implementable with my packed schedule. I learned a ton through Manuel's help, and my strength, health, and vitality are on top.”




“In the past, I used to be very passionate about going to the gym, but then I had a bad experience with a personal trainer who told me that I had to eat one kilogram of chicken every day to reach my goals. As I result, I lost my joy in working out and eating healthy. Manuel showed me that it's possible to be in great shape, while still enjoying my food and that an effective workout does not have to be painful!”



Production Manager

“Manuel is very likable, motivating, and knowledgeable with a great eye for details and the ability to give short but precise feedback. Although I have already been training with different methods for three years, I was able to greatly improve my results within weeks.”.




“Manuel is a great coach who works very solution-oriented and knows how to motivate. Without his help, I wouldn't dare to do some of the things I'm doing now, such as preparing for a competition. I'd probably already have given up. I learned so much, even after many years of experience in running a personal training business. Highly recommended!”



Patent Examiner

“Working together with Manuel not only helped me to bring my training to another level but through his methods, I also greatly improved my confidence. I'm showing up way more courageously at work and I'm much more open to new challenges. Working together with Manuel has been one of the best decisions of my life.”




“In just one call, Manuel was not only able to provide me with a personalized program for my training, but he also took away any doubts I had that strength training might only be something for competitive athletes. Manuel is a very good listener and has any possible solution at his fingertips.”